Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Thick and thin questions


Today we discussed thick and thin questions. What are some THICK questions you could ask about your Just Right reading book?

I'll go first..."What if I took the main character out of the mystery I'm reading and replaced her with Junie B. Jones? I wonder how she would solve the mystery..."

Can't wait to read your questions!


atlanta said...

I wonder what would happen if I took the next to last page and skip it in All The Way Under

Malini #12 said...

I wonder if I put Harry Potter in 11 Birthdays.

Ashley#10 said...

i wonder what would happen if i put a piano and a gitaur together?

cassidy 20 said...

I wonder what would happen if Nancy Drew did not realize things.

Arjun said...

i wonder what would happen if I replaced Paul in the book Robert takes a stand into Ramona.I wonder if they will get along and become frends.

Brooke # 13 said...

I wonder if I switched Charlotte with Olive C. Spense?? Would she have the same feelings for Killer??

rylee said...

I wonder what would happen if Betty White played football.

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