Monday, September 27, 2010

Estimation video

Here is a video shot by Cassidy and Ava over estimation, rounding, and compatible numbers. It's a bit long, but I wanted to show you everything we will be using with these concepts since we use some wording that you may not have heard before. I hope this helps with Tuesday night independent practice. Let me know if you have questions.


kennedy said...

that was one of the best shows I ever seen. That atually helped me learn more about estimation and now I am not confused with it any more.

Brett said...

I just finshed watching the video and I think it was cool but does this count as log?

Ava said...

Mrs. Jones, I was so happy that I was able to help you film the segment on estimation. I really learned a lot about it while filming it. Ava

calin said...

Totaley loved the vedio!I learned a lot.


Atlanta said...

Thankyou for showing me more about rounding and estimateing.

PS I am not a smarty pants and don't even know the square root of 100,806!

rylee said...

Ok, one who is calin and two I love the video!

AWESOME/brett said...

I watched this 3 times and now it has been in my brain for ever ever ever!

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