Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Open House Project


Please bring in a picture of yourself in your early years by Monday, Feb. 28th. What do I mean by early years? I'm referring to your toddler or little kid years (ages 2-4 would be great). We're making a special open house project. The pictures are just being scanned, so they will be returned to you asap unharmed! If everyone brings one in by Monday, I'm sure a gumball or two would be headed to the class chart...


atlanta said...

A picture or pictures?

Garrett said...

I am really looking forward to the project.
It's really sounding fun to me.

Ziyana said...

I am so excited for my mom to see my great work!!!

Crazy guy (aka Isaac) said...

Mrs.Jones... i just have to say well i am going to be crazy:) yes still but i will bring some sort of picture for sure you have my word:)!

Brooke is Dog Crazy said...

I can't wait to bring them in because I have some funny toddler pics!!!!!!

Malini #12 said...

I can't wait until we do the project because I love doing crafts

cassidy20 said...

I can't wait till the project!!!!

BRETT said...

Right now im looking for a picture im sure I will fined one soon...maybe :)


Yeah,I know it already passed but I still had lots of fun!!P.S. make sure you see what your parents have in mind because my mom tricked me:(


But, your picture was really cute Rylee!!

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