Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Pringles People


We will be starting a new Black History Month Project very soon. If you happen to have any extra cloth, black knee high hose, stuffing, buttons, pringles cans (full size), yarn (black, brown, or white), felt, or ribbon, please send it in with your child by January 31st. I appreciate your help with this soooooo much!


Ziyana said...

I can't wait until we get to make it!!!

#2 said...

FUNNN!!!!!Can't wait!!

Brooke is DOG CRAZY! said...

It turns out that Marjorie Stewart Joyner helped Madame C.J. Walker and Atlanta's group has Madame C.J. Walker!!!!! How funny??

Brooke is DOG CRAZY! said...

I loved doing this, it was really fun. It helped me learn more about history.

VERY smiley rylee said...

My dad is so proud of...ME!!!

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