Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Book Report

Below are the instructions and dates for the book report. If you would like to come to the library with your child to help them with selecting a book, we will go this Friday at 10am. These pictures are of past projects so that you can see what the final result should look like!

Your child will be completing a paper bag puppet that demonstrates “reading is thinking” (our philosophy of Reader’s Workshop).  Students will select and read a chapter book within the following genres: historical fiction, mystery, realistic fiction, or fantasy. This book should be a “just right” book and approved by the teacher.  Students will use a paper bag to create a puppet to represent a character from their book.  The puppet will “hold” index cards (attached to the paper bag). Each card’s contents are described below and should have complete sentences and thoroughly describe each item.
              *The title card should include the title and the author.
*The setting card should describe where and when the story took place.
*The character card should list main characters and give a description of each character including any character trait words that apply to that character (such as: Mr. Fox was sly and sneaky in the story because he tried to get the other foxes to do things he did not want to do himself.)
*The connections card should include at least one TS, TT, and TW connection.
*The main idea card should include the main idea of the book (where students have gotten the gist of the story). This should be one or two focused sentences.
*The recommendations card will include whether or not you would recommend this book to someone else and why or why not.
The bag and cards will be coming home today and your child may start reading their book right away. Books must be approved by the teacher no later than Jan 28th.

This book report should be completed and returned by February 18th.  The students will be presenting these to their class. 


Kennedy said...

what creative ideas i hope i could find a really good book and be as great as these examples here

#16 said...

I am looking forward to this book report and can't wait to see all the puppets!

smily rylee said...

This sounds like a good way to see how creative people are. I cant wait!!!

Ziyana said...

I am so excited to do this!!!I can't wait to see others!!!

Ava said...

I'm looking forward to doing the book report too. It will be fun to create the puppet. I can't wait to see all the different puppets in the class.

garrett said...

So happy to see how good this is going to tern out!!!!!!!!!

emberessed rylee said...

Oh,I just found out that I alredy posted a coment but I bet two will be much better so here goes nothing.....I had so much fun!!

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