Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Curriculum Night

Parents--this post is for you! What do you hope to glean from the Curriculum Night presentation on Thursday from 7-7:45? If you or your child have anything that they are excited or nervous about this year, feel free to share!


Anonymous said...

We are new to Frisco and being new to FISD, we are not familiar with the procedures. I feel like we're missing stuff when my son comes home and can't explain why it says he has a writing assignment, but there's not a prompt.

I'm hoping to get a breadth of the procedures so we will feel on the same page with other veteran FISD'ers. :) k. pura vida

Anonymous said...

I just hope to gain information about the homework expectations and information about the TAKS test.

Anonymous said...

I would like to hear more clear information about the homeworks(math and reading logs) and a clear procedures.

Anonymous said...

I would like to know how the class is grouped for math activities.

At lunch can they sit with anyone in their class?

Does the 3rd grade have a wish list?

Mrs. Jones said...

The way the class is grouped for math depends on the activity...just email or ask me in person for more details. Our class does have assigned tables (so that no one is left without someone to sit with). We change this every nine weeks. And we DO have a wish list!!

Stasi said...

I agree on getting an understanding of both the homework procedures and the standardized tests for the year. I am going to try to make it, but don't have childcare tonight, so could get interesting!

Rhenie said...

You did a great job tonight Mrs. Jones. Very informative and funny too! Thank you. I'm so excited for 3rd grade now!

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