Monday, January 31, 2011



We have just started our measurement unit. Our kiddos have a great grasp on how to measure, so it's time to build up. What we need to work on is the abstract part of that...visualizing how long, wide, heavy, how much something will hold, etc. For example, would you say that the classroom door is 3in, 3ft, 3yd, or 3mi wide? How do you know? (It would be 3 ft, because the others are too small or big). We just started length today, but we will soon get into capacity and weight. We will be talking about customary and metric units. Any outside, real world practice that the kiddos can get would be helpful.


Share with us how you are practicing measurement!
Friday, January 21, 2011

New Civilizations

Creativity is everywhere in our new civilizations. Take a look at these awesome creations and ask your child about what the land they founded! Students, I am soooo proud of your fabulous work!!!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Book Report

Below are the instructions and dates for the book report. If you would like to come to the library with your child to help them with selecting a book, we will go this Friday at 10am. These pictures are of past projects so that you can see what the final result should look like!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Pringles People


We will be starting a new Black History Month Project very soon. If you happen to have any extra cloth, black knee high hose, stuffing, buttons, pringles cans (full size), yarn (black, brown, or white), felt, or ribbon, please send it in with your child by January 31st. I appreciate your help with this soooooo much!
Friday, January 7, 2011


This week we have been learning about figurative language and how grown up we can sound by using them. What idiom can you share today?
Monday, January 3, 2011

New Schedule


We have a new schedule! Please check it out on the links on the left hand side. Our specials schedule and our recess/lunch have stayed the same.

New Year Goals


It's a new year and a great time to set some new goals. What are yours?

About Me


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